May 5, 2024


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What Information Should My ID Card Have?

id card

Putting information on your ID card is also a part of designing an ID card. Your name and photo are the basic information that you put on your card. But there are many more than that. Do you know what type of information you should include on your card? It depends on what kind of ID card you are going to make. Get more idea from IDGod.

If you are going to make an organizational ID card, you will include your organization’s information. If you are going to make a national ID card, you need to include your personal information. If a college ID card, include your college information. I tried to give you an idea about it. Let’s have a look:

Organization Logo or Name

If you are making an ID card for your organization, you should add your organization name or logo on your card. It will make your ID card look professional. The logo or name needs to be colorful. The logo and its color need to be the same as your company has.

Also, add a holographic overlay on the company logo or name. It will work as a security feature for your card, and no one can duplicate your company logo from your card.

Your Name And Photo 

In your ID card, your name and photo is the basic security. Your photo in your card is called visual and accurate security. Your name and image are essential information because it will make sure that the card belongs to you. Print your ID card with a printer that has high-resolution printing quality. With high-resolution printing, you will get a clear photo and name. You can add your date of birth too.

Your Signature And Fingerprints

You should add your signature and fingerprints to your ID card. Every person has different fingerprints, and it’s tough to duplicate it. Adding signature and fingerprints on your ID card will make your card professional and secure. The fingerprint is one of the great security features. You can add those as a picture format.

ID Number or Roll Number 

If you are working for an organization, you may have an ID number or employee number. You need to add this number to your ID card. If you are a student and have a roll number, you should add it to your ID card.

Your organization or college can easily recognize you for the help of an ID number or roll number. In an organization, there are a massive number of employees who work there. It’s tough to remember every person’s name, so the ID number is the best option.

Issue or Expiry Date

You should have your ID issue date and ID expiry date on your ID card. When you first got access to your ID card, is your card issue date. The expiry date is when you are no longer able to use your ID card. Every card has its issue and expiry date. After the expiry date, you will be unable to use your ID card.


You should put your company address or your home address on your ID card. If you lost your card, the address would help you to get it back. Or you can include the return address, in case you don’t want to add a personal address.

If you lost your card, adding a personal address may create a problem for you. So, I recommend you to add only the organization address and avoid adding your address. You should add a zip code with the address.

Contact Information 

You should include your contact information on your ID cards, such as office phone number, fax number, personal mobile number, email address, and many more. It will help other people quickly contact you when they need you.

Your Occupation

If you work for an organization, you can add your occupation or position, or job title. Or if you are a student, you should add your class to your ID card. It will define your background. 

Security Features 

To protect your ID card from fraud attempts, you should add some security features to it, such as a hologram, watermarks, holographic laminate, biometric security, embedded Security, UV printing, and many more. For some organizations, security features are a must.

It will protect your information. If your card got stolen or lost or broken, security features in your card would make sure your company data won’t get leaked because sensitive data about the organization may cause a massive loss of their business.

Identifying Information

You can add your identifying info like height, weight, eye color, and sex. Including height, weight, eye color is not compulsory, but you should include your sex on your ID card. It will help others to identify your gender easily.

Department Name

You should include your department name on your ID card like the IT department, Accounting department, HR department, and many more. Which department you work in is your department name. If you are a college student, you should include which department you read in.

Personal Information 

Though an ID card has limited space, you should add personal information that is purposeful. But in a smart card, you can digitally store all of your detailed information. This information can’t be seen with naked eyes. It only can be seen with a digital device and in a certain way. The smart card has an embedded microchip on the layer, which will help you store a massive amount of data.

The Conclusion

An ID card is an initial part of your organization or college. You should only include information; those are important and make your card look like a professional card. Unusual information is not required as you have limited space on your card.

Every employee needs an ID card with the required information to access the building in some highly secured organizations. After reading this article, I am sure you got an idea about what information you should put on your ID card.